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Moving Day

Moving Day

The event may seem daunting and stressful for common Londoners. Sometimes it may seem a bit difficult even to survive it. However, if your house move in London is properly scheduled and planned, it’ll be smooth and easy. Just be well-organized, available within the agreed hours, in a good mood and trust the reliable moving experts you’ve selected.

According to the moving statistics, the busiest moving periods are in summer, during the weekends and holidays. Thus, the busiest moving month in 2023 is in June, as 38.2% of people moved during the summer season.

The busiest day for relocations is Friday (19.7% of residential and office moves). Therefore, to book the most attractive moving day and time, do it beforehand. All movers and Vans can already be scheduled for the period. Additionally, the rates for packing, loading and moving services for busy days and seasons may be 5-10% higher than during other times.

Things that are to be Already Done

Proper planning is half the forthcoming battle. Our reliable and accurate movers you’ve hired will care about multiple moving aspects. You are just recommended to make some preliminary arrangements:

  • clean up your old house

  • get rid of the old, unneeded items and trash

  • fix the lighting fixtures and equipment that are broken

  • check that the keys are available

  • agree with the house owners about the inspection

  • make your new house floor plan

  • have the moving checklist drawn up

  • discuss all uncommon issues with our friendly and competent professionals

  • separate the essentials and hazardous items

  • defrost the fridge

  • resolve the parking problems

  • eliminate all distractions

Regardless of the moving options you select, most of your cherished belongings are to be already packed. You can order our affordable unpacking and packing services or sort your personal items, making an inventory by yourself before the move.

Additionally, realizing that the moving day is supposed to be tiring and long, prepare some snacks and drinks for all your family members and some food and water for your pets.

The Traveling Essentials

Our courteous and well-trained movers treasure your memories and deliver your dear possessions carefully and accurately. Meanwhile, there are some items you are to deliver by yourself, for example, jewellery, family heirlooms and sensible electronics. Combustible and flammable items such as gas or car batteries are not allowed for transportation at all. So, make a detailed list of the essentials and hazardous items and consult it while sorting or packing the stuff.

Prepare the items you need on the way. They definitely are to include the following:

  • documents

  • toiletries

  • medication

  • smartphones and charging devices for them

  • cleaning supplies

  • kid’s and pet’s items

  • snacks, water and utensils.

A flashlight and some tools, such as a hammer or a screwdriver, may be necessary for your new house. If you order our comprehensive unpacking, furniture moving, and assembly services, your essential possessions are arranged within the first several hours of arrival. However, you might have to clean the rooms or fix some fixtures in the new apartment. Additionally, you are to look after your dear kids and pets properly. It’s advisable to hire a babysitter for the day and leave the dog or cat with your relatives or friends for several hours, at least.

Long Distance Move Specials

Moving to another state that is several hundred or thousand miles away, you are to be prepared for the long trip. Think about your pets’, kids’ and pot flowers’ proper transportation. Take some food and beverages with you, and find good restaurants on the way. The need to find accommodation in an en route city or your new town for several nights may be caused by weather conditions, delays, you wish to see the sights, etc. For example, the house may not be ready for living yet.

So, you are to:

  • book the hotel rooms beforehand

  • have a suitable interactive map on hand

  • pack a suitcase with personal items and some clothing

  • have a flexible, open-ended timeline, planning for the weather and unforeseen circumstances

  • cleaning supplies

  • kid’s and pet’s items

  • snacks, water and utensils.

Agree about the delivery time with your reliable moving company representatives. Your possessions may be stored for several days if you arrive later. We can unpack your belongings and assemble the furniture during the day of arrival or just unload the cartons and leave them in the hall or the room you specify.

Packing and Loading Supervising

Our local professional movers will pack, wrap and load the belongings, disassemble and protect the furniture. We protect the floors and doors and load bulky and heavy items using advanced loading equipment.

You are kindly asked to:

  • prepare the appropriate parking place

  • be at home when the movers arrive

  • keep the walkways free

  • separate the items to be usually packed and delivered

  • cleaning supplies

  • kid’s and pet’s items

  • snacks, water and utensils.

When you contact Vitesse Moving & Transfer, Inc., be sure that your cherished belongings are delivered to the destination safe and sound. Our local moving services are top-quality and affordable; our professional movers are trained and efficient. We’ll make the forthcoming move smooth and easy for you!

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